Friday, December 12, 2008

Week 7

The content of the course was excellent to say the least and I have been inspired to use more technology in the classroom. I have shared much the class material with other teachers who are interested in the world of wikis, blogs, and integrating podcasts in the classroom. In fact, I used the podcasting software to make an eight minute children’s yoga session for the fifth grade students I teach in Woodburn, OR once a week. I was absent one week, and in my place the teacher used the podcast of the class's yoga instructions. The students loved it and the following week when I came to class, the entire class gave me a round of applause when I walked in the door!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 6

Since I dedicated a week to studying for the ORELA, I fell a little behind in class. Talk about studying random information that has nothing to do with teaching! Yikes! Anyways, I just wanted to make a comment about the Google Game that we did for class this week. Wow- that was great! Knowing those techniques is going to save me so much time. Thank you, teach!

Week 5

After googling myself for our assignment, I realized how careful we have to be about what we say and do on the internet. It was a good reminder, especially for teachers "to be". I think it is so important to uphold a good reputation on the internet and off.